lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

Olga Gil conferences on Networks and Global Change at the monthly tertulias of Spanish Fulbright Alumni Association in 2013

Master classes on Global Change by Prof. Dr. Olga Gil [videos in Spanish]. Conferences at the Spanish Fulbright Alumni Association in 2013. You might want to skip the presentation [link]  by President Juan Diaz-Andreu, and Vicepresident Carlos Alvarez Pereira and go straight to the conference second part, available over here: [video in Spanish]

And finally, you are invited to listen, if interested, the conference third part [videos in Spanish]

Interested on the themes proposed? 

I recommend you the following readings:
Yochai :-)

Few women yet, I am afraid!!!

And a last video, for further watching, as a present

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