Video (18 mn.) available at TED here.
This is a second vision, by Moises Naím
BRICS and the Washington Consensus
Bach et al. 2013. Link
El fin del poder
Moisés Naím
Debate, Barcelona, 2013
The Great Convergence: Asia, the West, and the Logic of One World
Kishore Mahbubani
PublicAffairs, Nueva York, 2013
A Hologram for the King
Dave Eggers
Vintage, Nueva York, 2013
Further -optional- readings
Let´s complement these visions for those interested with the following from Spanish perspectives and some others:
- "Reflections on Foreign Politcy Issues in 2013, a Spanish perspective," a work by + MartinOrtega, for Real Instituto Elcano in Madrid.
- Cambio y continuidad en la política de defensa rusa. Guillem Colom Piella. 2012. Ejército: de tierra español, ISSN 1696-7178, Nº. 860. págs. 12-21
- La evolución del Enfoque Integral de la OTAN en la gestión de crisis. 2012. Guillem Colom Piella
- Centro, Periferia y la recepción de la Teoría de lasRelaciones Internacionales en Brasil | Core, periphery and the reception of International Relations Theory in Brazil. 2013. Mónica Salomón. Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, editada por el Grupo de Estudios de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. N. 24, oct. ISSN 1699-3950
The discussion will focus upon the following questions
- Does global power changes in the XXI century are different from different countries´ perspectives?
- What about from the perpectives of international organizations such as UN, FMI, WB, ASEAN, UE, NAFTA...?
- And what about firms, civil societies, cities, and associations?
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