sábado, 27 de julio de 2013

CLASS FIVE. Regional visions: Are western democratic systems "morally challenged" by China?

Eric X Li argues that the universality claim of Western democratic systems is going to be "morally challenged" by China.
"A well-connected venture capitalist in Shanghai, where he was born, Eric X. Li studied in America (and even worked for Ross Perot's 1992 presidential campaign) before returning home, where he started doubting the idea that China's progress could only follow the path of the West's free-market principles. In a much-discussed op-ed he wrote for the New York Times in February 2012 and in other writings, he has put forth the idea that China needed a different development framework, around a different idea of modernity. The Chinese system, he says, is meritocratic, highly adaptable despite the one-party rule, long term-oriented, pragmatic and non-individualistic. As he writes: "The Chinese political system ... comes close to the best formula for governing a large country: meritocracy at the top, democracy at the bottom, with room for experimentation in between. While some criticize him as a cheerleader of the Chinese government and a champion of Chinese exceptionalism, Li is comfortable in the role of provocateur. He is the founder of Chengwei Capital in Shanghai, serves on the board of directors of China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) and is a Fellow of the Aspen Institute."
Original source: TED 2013 

Martin Jacques

We have an alternative source discussing China in this interview talking of "A new world order: the rise of China and the decline of the West." In his book "When China rules the world" Jaques argues that China thrive in the 21st century... at the expense of the United States.

And, converselly, we also have a thrid view to share. From a Chathan House: Bates Gill, CEO of the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, discusses the current state of the US-China relationship, the importance of the relationship for China's continued economic growth and stability, and the potential strains that could arise from the Syria crisis.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/MRloA1R0Eik" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


China Goes Global: The Partial Power 
David Shambaugh
Oxford University Press, Nueva York, 2013 

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