lunes, 29 de julio de 2013

CLASS FOUR: Global Power. Changes in the XXI century

Paddy Ashdown claims that we are living in a moment in history where power is changing in ways it never has before. In a spellbinding talk he outlines the three major global shifts that he sees coming. We also look at Moises Naim view and we finish this session with an approach from a Spanish perspective: Martin Ortega Carcelén work for Real Instituto Elcano in Madrid.

Video (18 mn.) available at TED here.

sábado, 27 de julio de 2013

CLASS FIVE. Regional visions: Are western democratic systems "morally challenged" by China?

Eric X Li argues that the universality claim of Western democratic systems is going to be "morally challenged" by China.
"A well-connected venture capitalist in Shanghai, where he was born, Eric X. Li studied in America (and even worked for Ross Perot's 1992 presidential campaign) before returning home, where he started doubting the idea that China's progress could only follow the path of the West's free-market principles. In a much-discussed op-ed he wrote for the New York Times in February 2012 and in other writings, he has put forth the idea that China needed a different development framework, around a different idea of modernity. The Chinese system, he says, is meritocratic, highly adaptable despite the one-party rule, long term-oriented, pragmatic and non-individualistic. As he writes: "The Chinese political system ... comes close to the best formula for governing a large country: meritocracy at the top, democracy at the bottom, with room for experimentation in between. While some criticize him as a cheerleader of the Chinese government and a champion of Chinese exceptionalism, Li is comfortable in the role of provocateur. He is the founder of Chengwei Capital in Shanghai, serves on the board of directors of China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) and is a Fellow of the Aspen Institute."
Original source: TED 2013 

Martin Jacques

We have an alternative source discussing China in this interview talking of "A new world order: the rise of China and the decline of the West." In his book "When China rules the world" Jaques argues that China thrive in the 21st century... at the expense of the United States.

And, converselly, we also have a thrid view to share. From a Chathan House: Bates Gill, CEO of the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, discusses the current state of the US-China relationship, the importance of the relationship for China's continued economic growth and stability, and the potential strains that could arise from the Syria crisis.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


China Goes Global: The Partial Power 
David Shambaugh
Oxford University Press, Nueva York, 2013 

viernes, 26 de julio de 2013

CLASS SIX: Regional visions: India´s soft power

After a long career at the UN, and a parallel life as a novelist, Shashi Tharoor became a member of India's Parliament. He spent 10 months as India's Minister for External Affairs, building connections between India and the world. Follow him on Twitter, @shashitharoor, or his YouTube channel, to get a look in at his whirlwind life of service.

"India is fast becoming a superpower, says Shashi Tharoor -- not just through trade and politics, but through "soft" power, its ability to share its culture with the world through food, music, technology, Bollywood. He argues that in the long run it's not the size of the army that matters as much as a country's ability to influence the world's hearts and minds."

lunes, 15 de julio de 2013

CLASS SEVEN. Regional visions: The Future of Africa

These different autors see the future of Africa differently. Watch the videos and extract six main ideas from them to bring to the class.  We start with Hans Rosling. He uses his fascinating data-bubble software to burst myths about the developing world. Look for new analysis on China and the post-bailout world, mixed with classic data shows. Woudl you say that in Hans Rosling’s hands, data sings? That some global trends in health and economics come to vivid life? And the big picture of global development—with some surprisingly good news—snaps into sharp focus? We continue with George Ayittey talking about leaders and corruption in Africa. We will complement this visions with further reading in class, focusing on Morocco -since it is the closest country in Africa to Spain- and specials on South Africa, Rwanda and Namibia and the particular set of international relations that help us to explain the conditions of these countries today.

Talk by Hans Rosling
Let my data set change your mind set. Video here.

"Hans Rosling is a professor of global health at Sweden's Karolinska Institute, his current work focuses on dispelling common myths about the so-called developing world, which (he points out) is no longer worlds away from the West. In fact, most of the Third World is on the same trajectory toward health and prosperity, and many countries are moving twice as fast as the west did.

viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

CLASS EIGHT. Regional Visions: The Mediterranean and the Magreb

This lesson is dedicated to study geopolitics in the Mediterranean region. We will be adressing questions of population growth, migrationmaps and war. Addressing questions related to natural resources, and sustainable wealth, we will also devote time to see what are the main economic exchanges within the region, and accross it, with a particular look to the Arab world too.

Further reading suggested by שחררו את פלסטין +Sultan Al Qassemi @SultanAlQassemi:

"Mr. Putin has eclipsed Mr. Obama as the world leader driving the agenda in the Syria crisis"
Pictures of Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir V. Putin were displayed in March outside the Russian Embassy in Damascus, Syria.
Muzaffar Salman / Associated Press

martes, 9 de julio de 2013

CLASS NINE. International Cleavajes Shaping the Future: Olga Gil work on Networks, Ecology and Global Change

Invited by UNIA and Carlos Montes I chaired in 2012 the 7th Forum Knowledge for Change t in Málaga, Spain from May 30-31th 2012. With the participation of Jaime Rodríguez, Mariluz Congosto, Cecilia Gañán de Molina, Ricardo García Vegas, Concepción Piñeiro, Dolors Reig, and Lourdes Soria. The purpose of the work was to do research and share the answers getting answers on how networks -tecnological, social, states- affect global change:

Manifest Networks and Global Change: Networks to Manage Global Change from Olga Gil, Ph.D

Master classes on Global Change by Prof. Olga Gil:
First Class
Second Class

We believe that current global challenges may find answers and positive commitments from all sources, and we were committed to detect and map them in the 7th Forum. Here the official programm. Our main goal was to understand how governments, institutions and companies respond to citizens empowered by virtual tools and we did a great job, that was published in Chinese, English, Spainish, besides building up a great team of participants that are looking foward to work together on the same subject again.

For example, the case of communities providing services or goods as alternatives to lack of local, regional o national government provision or market failures. We are very interested in how social networks provide channels for changes, mobilization of citizens, companies or customers, from the perspective of each participant. We are interested in cases of governments putting place new and inclusive strategies using social networks.

I myself am also interested on how the type of network mediates the kind of exchange we get --something with further applications, for instance on international energy networks.

For the purpose of the research along the first six months of 2012 we welcomes open ideas and contributions with the hashtag #redesycambio on Twitter.

 A wiki on Hackpad and Twitter-labeled hashtag #redesycambio, allowed us to work collaboratively and openly in order to advance preparation for the face to face work in Malaga.

Additionally the content on Twitter, labeled # redesycambio, allow us to pick up the buzz before and after the event. Beside, we kindly invited RTs.

 To make possible the idea of ​​a Tweet-Manifest, proposed by Carlos Montes, and to measure the impact, we have set up a window in Storify.

Mariluz Congosto prepared this experiment available here maping and measuring with all the data available the conversation emerging before and after the meeting in Málaga.

We started working with sources such as: Manuel Castells [in Spanish], James Fowler and Nicholas Christakis [English].

Together with the participants mentioned, we are informing people we consider relevant, and we welcome open participation, since we are interested in global and multifaceted perspectives: social, political, and economic perspectives.

lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

Olga Gil conferences on Networks and Global Change at the monthly tertulias of Spanish Fulbright Alumni Association in 2013

Master classes on Global Change by Prof. Dr. Olga Gil [videos in Spanish]. Conferences at the Spanish Fulbright Alumni Association in 2013. You might want to skip the presentation [link]  by President Juan Diaz-Andreu, and Vicepresident Carlos Alvarez Pereira and go straight to the conference second part, available over here: [video in Spanish]

And finally, you are invited to listen, if interested, the conference third part [videos in Spanish]

Interested on the themes proposed? 

I recommend you the following readings:
Yochai :-)

Few women yet, I am afraid!!!

And a last video, for further watching, as a present

domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

CLASS TEN. International Cleavajes Shaping the Future: Energy, Policy and Geopolitics

Energy is among one of the outmost questions defining the world´s future. This is so for Europe, the Americas, Asia, Russia and particular countries --see some key graphs here from the International Energy Agency.
Lets tackle the issue listening this pannel with a US Department representative, a Minister of Foreign Affairs from Hungary, a Chief Executive from the industry (BP), and a director from a US regulatory commission (FPC), moderated by Sylke Tempel (1.h:30mn). I will propose a reading from the EU Commissioner on Energy.

viernes, 5 de julio de 2013

CLASS ELEVEN. International Cleavajes Shaping the Future: Follow the money, follow the guns

In this session we will have a look upon military expenses in different countries. We will also look at soldier equipment programs, including the U.S. Land Warrior, Russia´s Ratnik, Germany's IdZ, Britain's FIST, Spain's COMFUT, Sweden's IMESS, and France's FELIN. Then we will reflect on the tittle of this entrance: "Follow the money, follow the guns" after having collected and analyzed the information on military expenditures by country [see Wikipedia].

¿New to military gear? Start with this infographic about the legendary Kalashnickov assault riffle, then dive into this map and explore the wiki sources and others.

Here we start with the Russian programm. You work collecting the informacion on the rest of the programs and we share it in class for further debate.

We finish this class with a video of Zainab Salbi on "backline" stories of women who keep everyday life going during conflicts, and calls for women to have a place at the negotiating table once fighting is over. Iraqi-born Zainab Salbi founded and runs Women for Women International, and has dedicated her life to helping women in war-torn regions rebuild their lives and communities. Access video here.

Aditional readings 

Intervenciones: una vida en la guerra y la paz
Kofi Annan y Nader Mousavizadeh
Taurus, Madrid, 2013

Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield
Jeremy Scahill

Nation Books, Nueva York, 2013

From a Spanish perspective:

Análisis del Real Instituto Elcano ( ARI ), ISSN-e 1696-3466, Nº. 70.

Social Media: doc and resources:

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

CLASS TWELVE. International Cleavajes Shaping the Future: Samanta Power: What makes evil to prevail?

Samantha Power studies US foreign policy, especially as it relates to war and human rights. Her books take on the world's worst problems: genocide, civil war and brutal dictatorships. Samantha Power is head of Harvard's Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, where she studies policy as it relates to human rights, genocide and war. She's the author of a famous memo (in policy circles) suggesting that US foreign policy is utterly broken -- that the United States must return to a human rights-centered foreign policy or risk its prestige and respect in the world community.  Power is also a journalist of fearless reputation. She spent 1993 to '96 reporting in the former Yugoslavia, and now contributes reportage and commentary to the New Yorker and Time. Her other books include A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide.

What makes evil to prevail? This is the question addressed by Samantha Power, and she gets four answers to it, touching upon questions as relevant as genocides, wars, frontiers, the lack of civil movements mobilizing to defend human race, that, as she argues are all features of the XXI century.

Watch the video here