viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

This course: Method, tools and how you will be graded

The following course was prepared for a 2013-2014 MBA class at EOI -which was finally never taught. The course merges the traditional contents you might find in any syllabus covering international political issues adapted for a MBA audience with the empowerment of students through web2.0 and mobile tools. This lastest trait was for a while akin to EOI business school under Alfonso Hernandez Hermoso de Mendoza. In each class we would be covering the topics selected for the session -with readings and videos- followed by discussions. Students would also regain knowledge of tech tools, showing in an open fashion the accomplishments in the course whileand branding themselves globally. 
[posts in this blog are in progress]

We will addressing views from grand theory to applied corporate diplomacy.

As +Juan Manfredi defines, corporate diplomacy "places the entrepreneur as the spearhead of the organization. The role of the entrepreneur becomes closed to that of the statesman: having a long-term vision, and building up alliances, rather than just being a manager or strategist".

We will be using digital tools, tablets and computers. Mobile technology is often referred to as being a radical disruptive innovation. Often, the biggest challenges bring also the biggest opportunities. We will see what students are able to accomplish at the en of the course.


How you will be assesed? 

I will ask students to work in groups. Each group will dedide what project, among those suggested, they want to develope together after our first theoretical class. 

Groups are headed by a leader, coached by the professor, and make a practical presentation of each project. Digital artifacts built purposedly for this class [see next section] will be leveraged visually using Vizyfy. [See specially pages 3 and 8 in the vizify link provided to undertand what artifacts we will be focusing on].

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

CLASS TWO: Bibliography and other recommendations for those interested on international topics

I have two very interesting recommendations for students enrolled in the MBA at EOI this year and have an interest on international topics and trends. Here we have two free courses you might explore:

If you enroll, feel free to share your impressions over the comments to this post. I will be very interested to read them.

Furthermore, for this class you will have to understand the basics of theories that allow us to make analysis in International Relations: Idealism, Realism, Sociology and History in International Relations -from behaviorism to funtionalism and Philosophy of history- Imperialism, theories of an interdependent world -international regimes theory and neorealism- and the main debates that nowadays shake the discipline: identities, globalization, estructural violence, poststructuralismhumanitarianism and ecology- as well as reactivism.

Source for image: Wikipedia

On core documents:
This document from +@UN touching upon issues such as energy, the environment, food, health, nuclear energy, and the issue of global instruments needed to deal with them --and we are thankful to Martin Ortega Carcelén for the recommendation.

On books I recommend two very good sources in Spanish:
  • The Atlas Histórico Mundial published by Ismo in the Fundamentos collection is a must have.
  • Together with the Diccionario de Relaciones Internacionales y Política Exterior coordinated by Juan Carlos Pereira Casteñares, and published by Ariel in 2008. Juan Carlos Pereira is catedrático de Contemporary History of International Relations at Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Posgraduate in Defense Studies: Altos Estudios de Defensa Nacional (Ministerio de Defensa) and CEHRI President.
  • In Spanish: the Journal Relaciones Internacionales, edited by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013

CLASS THREE: The past, international relations and globalizacion. What is new? Cristobal Colón and Asia

These are the readings recommended for this session. Read introduction and conclusions for the three of them and chose six main ideas on them. Write them on the comments to this blog entry, together with your name and twitter user.

  1. -  De Angelis. F (Ed.). 2013. Regionalism and globalism in antiquity. Exploring their limits. Leuven: Peeters.
  2. - Van den Berg H.F., Gluchowska, L. (Eds.) 2013. Transnationality, Internationalism and Nationhood. European Avant-Garde in the First Half of the XX Century. Leuven: Peeters.
  3. - Dickenson C.P., Van Nijf. (Eds.) 2013. Public Space in the Post Classical City. Leuven: Peeters.

We will watch the following video for debate in class: The world of Cristobal Colon. We will end up the class adresssing the politics of substances that nowadays generates as much wealth as spices brought to the medieval spice dealers.